How To Handle Rejection
May 4, 2019
Get Ready To Fly!
June 21, 2019

“Very truly I tell you, unless a kernel of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains only a single seed. But if it dies, it produces many seeds.” John 12:24

The parable of the seed, sower and ground is a critical principle of life. There is absolutely nothing you can not attain and no place you can not get to when you understand the power/potentials and possibilities of the seed principle.
A seed is anything that is not terminal but reproductive in nature with the ability to multiply and create outcomes that are bigger and better than current realities. GOD wanted a family. So, HE gave HIS Son as The Seed for it. John 3:16
– Diligence is a seed for outstanding success. Proverbs 22:29.
– Discipline is a seed for a life without regrets.
– Prayer is a seed for divine intervention.
– Practice is a seed for mastery in any particular field.
– Honor is a seed for access.
– Faithful stewardship is a seed for eventual ownership.
– Attention is a seed for creativity and excellence.
– Grace is a seed for possibilities.
I pray that this week, you will know God’s increase like you have never known it. In Jesus’ Name!


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